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Diversity and Inclusion

Community of Christ is a diverse community dedicated to fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.


Diversity and Inclusion

Community of Christ is dedicated to fostering an environment where diversity is celebrated. We believe in the inherent worth of all individuals and strive to create a community where everyone feels valued and respected. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is rooted in our faith and mission.


The Team

The Diversity and Inclusion Team is a World Church Team that offers direction and resources to support the church on its journey to becoming more inclusive and just. Our team is dedicated to providing education, advocacy, and support to ensure that all members feel included and valued.


Share Your Story

Participate in Community of Christ’s “We Are One, We Are Many” initiative by sharing your personal story about diversity and inclusion. Help us build a more inclusive and understanding community.

Online Questionnaire

Upcoming Events

Celebrate diversity and inclusion with us! The Diversity and Inclusion Team is excited to host a series of engaging online workshops throughout February (Black History Month in Canada and the United States), March, April, and May 2025. Don't miss this opportunity to join inspiring conversations and learn from diverse voices!


Resolution 1226

World Conference Resolution 1226 celebrates human diversity, advocates against discrimination, and commits to fostering inclusivity and mutual respect within the faith community.


Resolution 1326

World Conference Resolution 1326 commits to combating institutional racism, promoting racial justice, and fostering an inclusive church and society.


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