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World Conference Resolution 1326

Community of Christ’s World Conference Resolution 1326 commits to combating institutional racism, promoting racial justice, and fostering an inclusive church and society.

Racial Justice

Adopted 27 April 2023

Whereas, Racism is a system of inequality based on racial prejudice and the belief that one race is innately superior to all other races; and

Whereas, In the nations of the world, systemic race based prejudice and misuse of power have justified the conquest, enslavement, abuse, disenfranchisement of and discrimination against those with more vulnerable cultures; and

Whereas, For many years, European empires used racism to justify subjugation, enslavement, dehumanization and/or appropriation of the lands and belongings of indigenous people in the Americas, Asia and Africa; and

Whereas, The myth of European superiority, also known as White Supremacy, persists in much of American life and culture and in the life and cultures of many Western nations today; and

Whereas, Non-Europeans who came, and those who are still coming, to the Western nations—either by choice or by force—encountered and continue to encounter racism; and

Whereas, Western nations have outlawed racial discrimination, yet social, economic, and government institutions still discriminate, intentionally and unintentionally, and restrict opportunities for many people of color to be affirmed for their human worth and God’s gifts within them; and

Whereas, A system designed to prefer one segment of the population over another cannot lead to a sustainable, peaceful, and just society for all; and

Whereas, The undesirable fruits of racism are prejudice, bigotry, fear, discrimination, humiliation, alienation and division among all people, and reduced opportunities and generational poverty for many Africans, African-Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, Native peoples, and Pacific Islanders, whose hopes are deferred and rights are denied; and

Whereas, Christian teaching affirms that Christ’s peace has broken down the dividing wall and hostility between us, so that Christ may create one humanity; and scripture exhorts us to lead a life with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, while speaking the truth in love and promoting the body’s growth in building itself up in love [Ephesians 2:14–15, 4:1–3, 15–16];

Resolved, Because Jesus has declared God’s love for all the world and all creation, Community of Christ acknowledges that racism is a sin and be it further

Resolved, That Community of Christ now calls for a renewed commitment both in the church and in national cultures to eliminate institutional racism and to affirm unequivocally that by biblical and theological precept, by the law of the church, by our mission and Enduring Principles, by World Conference pronouncement, and by leadership expressions, the aim of
Community of Christ is nothing less than an inclusive church in an inclusive society; and be it further

Resolved, That Community of Christ calls upon all its members, congregations, and jurisdictions to perform and share those faithful deeds of prayer, study, discernment, worship, love, justice, and nonviolent advocacy—by group and individual actions in both the church, community and nations—which will bring into reality a just, equitable and peaceful world for all people.

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