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World Conference Resolution 1226

This resolution reminds us that we are called to love every person as a child of God.

Human Diversity

Adopted 10 April 10, 1992 

The gospel of Jesus Christ reveals the unqualified love of God and the inestimable worth of all persons. An awareness of God’s love and the love of others is essential to human fulfillment. For these reasons, we celebrate the rich diversity of human life. 

However, human beings often fear, hate, and abuse each other because of ignorance about such factors as socioeconomic status, culture, race, gender, age, size, sexual orientation, and mental or physical disability. Such prejudicial behavior undermines the personal and spiritual development of both abuser and abused, and denies the mutual benefits of shared giftedness. 

As persons of faith, we confess our own imperfections in attitude and action. Nevertheless, we accept the responsibility to resist fear and hate in all forms and to strive continuously to eliminate expressions of prejudice and discrimination. 

We declare our belief that “all are called according to the gifts of God to them.” We therefore acknowledge and affirm human diversity by creating a spirit of openness and peace within our congregations where all persons may find acceptance and the opportunity to share their giftedness. 

We commit ourselves to work with all persons of goodwill to promote mutual respect, appreciation, and peace in all relationships. 

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