Exploring the Scripture
On the third Sunday of Advent, we sing upbeat hymns with images of the coming triumph in the incarnation of God’s love among us. Advent reminds us to recognize this miracle of divine love freely shared with us. For many people, however, the holiday season is a time of sadness and struggle. For people dealing with frustration, loss, or illness, joy and happiness often seem distant. The advice from the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:4: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice,” may appear hollow or unrealistic. Yet, the precarious nature of life is what Paul addresses in this passage.
Life was difficult for Paul and the Philippians. Paul was imprisoned while he wrote his letter. His future was uncertain, and he was dependent on the charity of others, like the people in Philippi, to meet his basic living needs. Besides, the letter references the persecution the Philippians felt as they sought to live their faith in Christ despite religious and social conflict with the Roman government. Also, key leaders of their group, Euodia and Syntyche, were in conflict, affecting the health of the entire faith community.
Paul’s deep affection for the people of Philippi is obvious. His encouraging words reminded them of the importance of imitating the nature and way of Christ to deal with their difficulties.
In this passage, Paul reminds the Philippians they are not alone. His focus is not on rejoicing as an emotion, but more as a description of being fully awake and aware of how God invites them to live. Christ journeys with them in difficult and easy times, and God’s faithfulness is steadfast and sure.
Paul is not telling people in distress to just be happy and not worry. Instead, it reminds them the supreme purpose, value, and filling of deep yearning in life is found by trusting in God and the peace of Christ. He assures them their humble response of gentleness toward others and trust in the mystery of God revealed in Christ Jesus create well-being that brings patience, endurance, peace, and joy.
Our Advent celebration does not proclaim all is right with our world. Instead, it is anchored in the assurance that fears, anxieties, and harsh realities do not undermine the reality of God’s love journeying with us. We grow in this awareness as we practice gentleness, kindness, patience, self-control, forgiveness, and healing. This growing awareness moves us to live more as Christ Jesus and rejoice in the Lord.

Project Zion Podcast
Hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith consider how this week's scripture connects to our lives today.
Central Ideas
- Rejoicing is less of an emotion and more of a constant attitude, shaping Christlike behavior.
- The steadfast faithfulness of God leads us to trust and have hope.
- Disciples are called to respond to the harsh realities of life with compassion and healing.
- Joy is experienced best in a relationship with God in a faith community.
Questions to Consider
- How do we best speak of joy with people in distress?
- What is the difference between joy and happiness?
- What leads us to trust God is near us?
- How do we balance working for justice and living in gentleness?