Exploring the Scripture
In this passage Jesus is a 12 year old. He is coming into an age of responsibility and accountability. As we read, we sense the tension that accompanies the learning curve on this journey.
It is the festival of the Passover—a time when Jewish people remember they were once slaves in Egypt and God brought them out of slavery (Deuteronomy 16:12 and Exodus 13:3) and that God spared the firstborn from the 10th plague. God commanded the “children of Israel” to keep Passover so they would never forget (Exodus 12:14).
Jesus travels with his family to Jerusalem for Passover. It is a journey they make every year so this is not a new adventure for Jesus. It is a common event. He knows his way around the town and the temple. His parents have little or no concern about him in the larger company of family and friends. As Passover ends, they join the caravan to head home. At the end of the first day of travel, they realize Jesus is not with them. They hurry back to Jerusalem and spend three days searching for him. They find him in the temple sitting with the teachers, learning and astounding those around him.
Jesus surprises his parents by not letting them know where he is. They are concerned. They spend three days looking for him! He, on the other hand, is surprised that they were concerned and didn’t know he would be in the temple. His comment to them is “Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” It is the moment when Jesus begins speaking for himself; pointing himself in the direction his life will take.
This story of Jesus highlights the importance of preparing oneself and learning in a place where the sacred is spoken. Jesus went into the temple and sat with the teachers to learn and discuss. The scriptures tell us Jesus went to the temple to learn and teach not only when he was 12 but throughout his life. And because of this, “Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favor” (Luke 2:52). As disciples of Jesus we are also called to lifelong learning and spiritual growth.

Project Zion Podcast
Hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith consider how this week's scripture connects to our lives today.
Central Ideas
- The festival of the Passover is a Jewish tradition that reminds the Jewish people of God’s faithfulness. It is a time of community, in a sacred place.
- Jesus went to the temple to learn from the temple teachers in a sacred space.
- When his parents find him and question his activity, Jesus speaks of his relationship with God as important and different from his relationship with his earthly parents.
Questions to Consider
- In your congregation, what observed traditions of Community of Christ strengthen sacred community? In what ways?
- Have there been times when you came to the temple (or your congregation or other community setting) to learn? What blessings did you experience through sharing and discussing with others?
- Like Jesus going to the temple teachers, whom do you seek out when you want to discuss and process your questions?
- Develop Disciples to Serve is one of Community of Christ’s five Mission Initiatives. How important is this initiative in your life and within your congregation?
- What does it mean to be a lifelong learner? Who do you know that exemplifies this concept?
- How is your relationship with God, as a child of God, similar to your relationship with your parents? How is it different?