Today in our prayers for the people of Nauru.
Prayer for Peace
Donald V. Lents
O God, we express our gratitude for the privilege of sharing individual and collective prayers with you. Many are the times when you have brought peace, comfort, and assurance during times of concern, confusion, and disappointment. With this awareness we truly believe that unification of worldwide prayer can bring the same peace, comfort and assurance to the world in which we live. This is our opportunity.
We pray for forgiveness when we permit discouragement and doubt to enter our mental and spiritual selves. It is our understanding that, through the centuries, these thoughts have been a part of humankind. At the same time, we are aware of your patient and loving concern. Our world is richly blessed because many of your disciples have expressed through their lives the responsibilities of worthy stewards in varied ways. For this, too, we express our thanksgiving.
We pray the spirit of peace will be manifest in each of us in our societies, family relationships, and daily work assignments as well as the numerous other worthwhile tasks that make up our daily existence. We hope we individually and collectively will be recognized as disciples of this generation.
Many of your children strive for peace in varied arenas...not only in armed conflict but also in personal and individual situations demanding the best skills available to each person. Prayer for special direction, the ability to utilize specific gifts of reconciliation for these efforts toward peacemaking, compassion, and forgiveness touched by the holy, are essential.
Accept our petition for guidance, we pray. We trust we will always be found fulfilling the avenues of service available to us.
We share this prayer in the name of the great peacemaker, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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