Today in our prayers for the people of Macao.
Prayer for Peace
Ann Zieger
O God, we gaze into the night sky and see the creation you have made. You have told us that your creation is endless. Our world is so small in your creation. Sometimes we wonder why you have chosen to still work with us, still love us. Yet here you are. We feel you. We see your handiwork. We are aware of your presence in and through all our world. And sometimes we catch a glimpse of the magnitude of your love for us.
You show us that we have many choices to make. We need to choose compassion over judgment, truth over expediency, mercy over fear, and love over self-righteousness. Even though we have failed many times, we must keep trying.
Help us to see our choices clearly. Help us to not rush to judgment. Open our eyes to see our neighbors as you see them and our ears to hear those cries we can comfort. Cleanse our hearts. Then we can understand better the love you hold for the world. Then we can feel the worth of all people in your sight. Then we can truly praise you. Amen.
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