Today in our prayers for the people of Cambodia.
Prayer for Peace
Bruce Lindgren
O God of peace,
We gather today to rest for a few moments in your peaceful presence. We are grateful for the opportunity to do so, and we pray that your Holy Spirit will attend to us as we focus our attention on those things that make for peace.
We know, O God, that you have made us for yourself, and for one another. We ask that we might have the courage and the wisdom to be present to the needs of others—that we might be willing to listen and to share our concerns with those in need. We ask that we might be compassionate people—that we might understand the needs of others deeply within ourselves.
For we know that you have been compassionate with us through the sharing of your son, Jesus Christ, who came and lived among us as one who lived as we live and who felt as we feel. We know that he entered human life fully and that he experienced our lack of peace even as he brought us the possibility of peace.
Throughout the world today, O God, many need your peace. Through war and persecution and famine, many are in great need. We pray your blessing for them. There are others in need because of broken relationships. We pray your healing for them. Others are in despair because they sense their incompleteness. We pray for them your wholeness.
As we gather in the peace and quietness of this moment, we are aware of the great needs throughout our world and within our own hearts. May our unease become an occasion for renewed commitment, and may your Holy Spirit call us to be agents of your peace. Teach us peace; bring us peace; make us agents of peace.
In the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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