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5 February 2025

Today in our prayers for the people of Norway.

Prayer for Peace

Anthony Chvala-Smith

Holy Spirit, Lord and life-giver, divine presence, divine power, divine wisdom, divine life, divine love. Gracious spirit, come, we pray, into our lives. Help us to walk by faith, as Abraham and Sarah did. Form in us the peace, which passes understanding.

Become in us a well of living water, and so quench the thirst of our hearts. Heal us of self-centeredness that we might freely turn toward our neighbors and our enemies. Break us of pride, that the love of Christ might have a place in us. Intercede for us, for we are far weaker than we dare think. Remake us that our lives may give to our weary world a glimpse of God’s kingdom. Sanctify all God’s people that they might work for righteousness and justice.

Fill us with the joy of heaven, that we may do your will on Earth. Fit us for service now and prepare us for the life of the age to come. Through Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

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