Today in our prayers for the people of Iceland.
Prayer for Peace
Glenn C. Johnson
Creator of life and author of peace,
We offer up this prayer for peace, seeking earnestly for peace within our hearts, peace within our relationships, peace within our communities, and peace within our world.
Thank you, O God, for the great gift of peace you have given us in the life of Jesus and the abiding comfort of your spirit. We pause at this moment to remember your words, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you.” Calm our hearts. Let us breathe in the peace you intend for our lives and consider our need for peace in daily living.
As we meditate upon peace, we are also aware of injustice in our world, our communities, and our homes. Forgive us, O God, when we ignore injustice or silently contribute to inequality by receiving rewards based on privilege. Grant us the wisdom to live our lives as stewards of peace.
Help us to discover more deeply what Jesus taught us about the basileia tou theou, the kingdom of God. Help us to find ways to work together to build the peaceable realm of God by becoming a people of the Temple, which is dedicated to peace, reconciliation, and healing of the spirit. Indeed, help us to share the peace of Jesus Christ freely and joyfully.
We are so thankful for this moment each day, when our prayers ascend to you, when we consider the needs in our world, and our needs within. Bless each of us with that calm reassurance of your peaceful presence even now, we pray, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Live on Wednesdays
View the Prayer for Peace live every Wednesday on YouTube or Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central USA Time.