Today in our prayers for the people of Philippines.
Prayer for Peace
Shirley Valier Remmenga
Lord of life, our creator,
We praise you with thanksgiving, for you are peace. Your peace is all around us, present in all your creation.
We look at the fluttering butterfly amid the flowers, and we see peace.
We listen to the song of the meadowlark, and we hear peace.
We cup a fragrant rose in our hands, and we smell peace.
We bite into a vine-ripened tomato, and we taste peace.
We hold a baby in our arms, lay our cheek on that soft, sweet cheek, and we feel peace.
All our senses experience peace, and they tell us that you are peace.
We would know your peace, O Lord, not only with our senses but with our minds and our hearts and our souls. With this knowing may we express your peace, promote your peace, embody your peace, be your peace in our world that needs your peace so desperately.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Live on Wednesdays
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