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30 August 2024

Today in our prayers for the people of Kuwait.

Prayer for Peace

Zac Harmon-McLaughlin

Unfathomable mystery, whose name is but breath, we pause and pray.

In this moment, on this day, we pray a blessing of peace. In these times of uncertainty, unimaginable suffering, gut-wrenching concern, chaos, and fearful wondering, we seek a blessing of peace—a soft resting peace as if it were snow on the landscape of our soul, a comforting, warming peace as if it were a blanket on a cold night. Your peace, God, your all-encompassing shalom.

May this blessing of peace resonate in the chambers of our own lives, echoing throughout the spaces we freely share with others and the spaces that we nervously keep hidden and just out of sight.

May this blessing of peace be felt in our neighborhoods and communities. May this blessing begin to flow from person to person as if it were a wide and raging river of awakening and awe. A river of connection, making all things one.

May this blessing of peace be seen and sensed throughout our shared world. May this blessing be a shining light, a beacon of possibility, of hope, of belonging. May it burn like a fire, setting hearts and minds ablaze with your peace.

May this blessing of peace be birthed in all creation until even the rocks cry out. This peace, your peace, as a requirement of life. This peace, your peace, as the starting place of divine understanding of your presence in all things.

May this blessing of peace awaken us to calling, to action, to love, to hope.

We pray this blessing, in the name of Christ, as an invitational incarnation of your shalom, Amen.

Live on Wednesdays

View the Prayer for Peace live every Wednesday on YouTube or Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central USA Time.


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