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3 March 2025

Today in our prayers for the people of Germany.

Prayer for Peace

Steven L. Shields

Lord God, creator of heaven and earth,

How often do we forget the unity of your creation? The world seems as though it is coming apart at its seams, and we feel so helpless that we fail to respond in any way except with utter despair. We become complacent when our own needs have been fulfilled. We experience compassion overload, and so tune out those very people, those very places, and those very problems that we might well be able to alleviate.

We feel somehow detached from those others as long as they are far enough away so as not to confront us with their needs in a direct manner. Yet, you created humans as one species. Our individual destinies are inextricably connected with our collective destiny. May we always remember this essential truth about ourselves.

Amid our helplessness, we need to remember that all great things that have happened in our world have happened through the power of one. We see the examples of Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and one lone man facing a tank in China—and we know that one person really can make a difference. Each of us might be only one person, but each of us has something to offer. Grant us courage, O God, to stand up and exercise our power for others.

We acknowledge, O God, our sisters and brothers who are suffering this day from strife and tyranny—we have soft hearts and willing hands to do what we can to help them. We think of our children and families, and long to be with them. Our love for those we know is great, magnify our love so that it can extend to even those we do not know. We pray for our world that peace may prevail.

In the name of the creator, the redeemer, and the divine presence. Amen.

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