Today in our prayers for the people of Somalia.
Prayer for Peace
Evelyn Masek
Almighty God,
You who created us of one blood color within and many skin colors without—we come in praise and appreciation of our sameness and also of our differences. We know your love for each of us is the same as your love for all of us.
We long for peace and harmony in our lives but there are so many things that separate us: race, religion, wealth, sin, poverty, sickness. We need your help that we might grow in the kind of love that causes us to practice the art of not only listening but hearing one another. To listen with our hearts and not just our ears. To give and receive respect. To be thoughtful and caring.
Teach us to hurt when others hurt and rejoice when they rejoice. It is only in the sharing that we will grow in understanding. Peace at home and throughout the world revolves around understanding and mutual respect.
We desire to plant the seeds of peace by our words and deeds so that one day we may realize a bountiful harvest of goodness and earthly love.
We thank you for blessing us with your love that promises us the peace that passes all human understanding.
Make us instruments of that peace, we pray, that we might not only talk about your kingdom, but be your kingdom in this place.
We pray in the name of your son, Jesus, the prince of peace. Amen.
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