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27 July 2024

Today in our prayers for the people of Cuba.

Prayer for Peace

Terry Zahniser McDermid

Creator God, Sustainer God,

For generations, we have been called to listen to the voice,

to heed the call to build the peaceable kingdom.

And yet in a world filled with the noise of anger and

fighting and hatred, the voice can be lost.

Grant us peace within ourselves to hear the voice,

to slow down from our days and listen to the cries of those around us.

To hear the needs of people who are hungry, lost, and tired.

Guide us to find ways to share with those who are hurting the promise of

joy, of compassion, of hope that comes from the One who is love.

Help us grow in courage and determination to face injustice and unkindness,

to bring worth to each person we meet.

Continue to hold us and wrap us in the comfort of your Holy Spirit

that we might believe to the marrow of our beings that peace through you

and with you is possible.

In Christ’s most holy name. Amen.

Live on Wednesdays

View the Prayer for Peace live every Wednesday on YouTube or Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central USA Time.



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