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25 August 2024

Today in our prayers for the people of Nauru.

Prayer for Peace

Betty Williams

O God,

Today, we bow our heads in humble prayer to enter your presence. We praise you and thank you for your many, many blessings of love and mercy. Although our understanding might be limited, we thank you for allowing us to be involved in promoting peace at home and around the world.

Help us live in harmony with the initiatives you have given us that will enable your Holy Spirit of Peace to be within us. As we pray, open our eyes and our hearts to recognize that peace cannot be brought about by thinking we can do nothing, and to realize the measures needed to be taken by all.

Give us new eyes to see the needs around us, and build in us desire to follow in whatever ways you lead us. Create in us excitement as we realize that each of us has something specific to contribute to the peace cause. Let us become educated about peace and find out what we can do. May we see every person as a person of worth no matter where that person lives, no matter what their color, their religion, or their way of life.

In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

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