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24 May 2024

Today in our prayers for the people of Guyana.

Prayer for Peace

Andy Horner

Unifying creator,

We turn to you in this eternal moment to pray for peace in our world, which so often seems so broken. We pray for the casualties and refugees wounded and displaced by warfare between nations. We pray for those who have been left behind and marginalized in our communities because of our desire to stratify our human relationships into strong and weak, winners and losers, worthy and unworthy. We pray for boys and girls, women and men who are abused by those we would expect to ensure their safety.

We lift our voice in prayer for the poor, displaced, mistreated, and diseased of the world because of their unnecessary suffering, even as we acknowledge the ways we are poor, displaced, mistreated, and diseased ourselves.

Inasmuch as we are wealthy, we recognize that our wealth can confuse us into thinking that we deserve a life of luxury. Inasmuch as we are secure, we acknowledge that our security can itself displace us by convincing us that all is well. Inasmuch as we live in privilege, we confess that our privilege reflects the disease of our culture, a disease from which we are not immune. Inasmuch as we are healthy, we admit that it is a sick world that does not care for all its citizens.

Touch us in our brokenness. Light the dark spaces we prefer to avoid with the light of your love. Give us courage, stamina, and wisdom to go to the places where you call us to witness your love. Makes us ensigns of your peace, we pray as followers of Christ, amen.

Live on Wednesdays

View the Prayer for Peace live every Wednesday on YouTube or Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central USA Time.


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