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24 August 2024

Today in our prayers for the people of Tonga.

Prayer for Peace

A fellow servant

Eternal Creator,

We have heard your voice calling us. Calling us to take the name of your son upon us, calling us to take up our cross and follow him, calling us to become a people of the Temple.

Here in this sacred sanctuary, grace our gathering with your divine presence.

Draw us near, heal our wounds, fill our emptiness, strengthen our hope.

Forgive us and teach us how to forgive and move beyond the hurt.

Refresh, renew, increase our joy, and grant us your life more abundant.

Embrace us with your peace, not of this world, but for which all the world yearns.

We lift that world to you, the world you love and for which you gave your only begotten son.

We remember as you did, the bruised and broken-hearted, the abused and neglected, the poor, the unemployed, the homeless, the refugee, the prisoner.

Help us to hear their cry as you do and weep with you for them, work with you to bless, help, feed, clothe, house, heal, save them, that none are lost—all are found, to love as you loved, even the least of these among us. In the name of the prince of peace, we pray. Amen.

Live on Wednesdays

View the Prayer for Peace live every Wednesday on YouTube or Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central USA Time.


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