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23 July 2024

Today in our prayers for the people of Nicaragua.

Prayer for Peace

Betty Williams

Our Dear Creator,

We thank you for your blessing and watch care over us. Many times, we become complacent and do not take time to pray for those in war-torn areas, those where earthquakes have happened, or think of people in refugee camps.

I am so glad we have been called to pray for peace and remember the nations of the world. Remind us that all people are people of worth, and we need to see each other as brother and sister. Many lack the resources to provide for their families, help us to donate, or work for those agencies to make a difference for them.

Help us to be mindful through the day of your love of all people and remind us to take the time to care.

Some of us have everything, and we don’t know what others have gone through. In our daily lives and in all that we do, let us take time to care about the people around us and their needs. Let us bring peace to our hearts, our minds, and our souls. Let us be the example that Jesus set for us when on Earth.

We thank you for the many blessings and for always being with us. I pray in Jesus’s name.


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