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Solomon Islands

23 August 2024

Today in our prayers for the people of Solomon Islands.

Prayer for Peace

Banda Lackings

Gracious God,

We pray for total peace to exist in our communities.

Our creator, forgive us our human frailty and cleanse us of all resentment. Our hearts ache to relieve the suffering in our world and bring the healing ministry of Jesus Christ to the bruised and brokenhearted.

Help us to create communities where Jesus would feel at home because the outcast is invited, the stranger is welcomed, the wounded are comforted, and people are interconnected through compassionate and sacrificial love.

God of love, redeem us to thy greatest adventure of all, establishing thy
kingdom of peace. Show us the way to bring peace to this troubled community where we live. Awaken concern in our souls so that we might not be unaware of our surroundings. Show us the way to be good friends with one another.

God of all, remind us that you love each of us, that we are members of one family in you, and that if we want to be forgiven, we must forgive.

Our creator God, as we bow before thee, we seek to learn many steps for achieving peace. Help us to be good students who teach others by example instead of by using weapons.

God of love and peace, we have experienced the presence of your peace through love and forgiveness.

God of all, please help us to find peace within our families, for families are the foundation of our world. Allow us to find peace in ourselves. Help us to love and accept ourselves as you love and accept us.

God Almighty, our thoughts are on the things that unite us, let us not focus on boundaries or divisions. Help us rejoice in our diversity, knowing that you have made each of us unique.

It is in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ that we have prayed. Amen.

Live on Wednesdays

View the Prayer for Peace live every Wednesday on YouTube or Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central USA Time.


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