Today in our prayers for the people of Brunei.
Prayer for Peace
David R. Brock
You are our peace, Christ Jesus.
You are the Dismantler.
Brick by block by stone
You take apart the dividing walls
our ancestors built. Barriers
we repaired and fortified, that You
even now, are breaking down.
You are our peace, Christ Jesus.
You are the Tree of Life;
shelter for the weary and wounded,
cooling shade in the heat of embattled days.
And your leaves, Life-Giving Tree,
are for the healing of nations,
victim and perpetrator alike.
You are our peace, Christ Jesus.
You are the Breath of Spirit.
When we are locked behind the door of fear,
bunkered against the world’s anxieties,
You find us and say, “Fear not.”
You breathe “Shalom” upon us
and send us blessed into God’s world.
You are our peace, Christ Jesus.
Help us be Your peace.
Live on Wednesdays
View the Prayer for Peace live every Wednesday on YouTube or Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central USA Time.