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Costa Rica

21 July 2024

Today in our prayers for the people of Costa Rica.

Prayer for Peace

David Flechs

Eternal and creating God,

As we begin to see and comprehend the vastness of your creation, we stand in awe of your majestic love for the people of this small “mote of dust floating on a sunbeam.” When you spoke all of eternity into being, you blessed it and pronounced it good. Thank you for helping us realize our stewardship of this planet is a responsibility that was given to us as a blessing to be explored and understood by all who live here.

As a ministering people of your grace, we ask that you bless us with a profound understanding of your word so that we might help bring your peace to all people. Please heal us and fill us with your love as we blaze new trails in our peacemaking endeavors. Help us to see with new eyes opportunities for bringing the blessings of peace to the lives of others, especially those whom society has cast aside, causing them to lose hope. May we know and follow the way of peace of the Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.

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