Today in our prayers for the people of Papua New Guinea.
Prayer for Peace
Youth of the Midland, Texas, USA, Congregation
Holy Spirit of God, please join us in the celebration of peace from our Temple. We pray that other groups of people as they gather will feel your acceptance and love. Be with us as we worship and learn within this symbol of peace.
Christ, we invite you to walk among the people of this world touching us with love so that we may each have inner peace. May each person have love and togetherness to create a new life of joy and gladness. May each person have peace in their home. We also pray that people would desire to reach out and share your love so that everyone would feel the peace you bring.
Peaceful father, we offer a prayer of peace for countries. We pray that happiness could be in each person’s heart and that there could be harmony throughout the world. We pray that leaders everywhere will be open to your guiding hand and lead your people in righteousness. Please help us all in making good decisions involving the use of nature’s resources so we can all experience inner peace and harmony with nature.
May we all experience the miracle of peace. Shalom.
Live on Wednesdays
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