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French Polynesia

20 February 2025

Today in our prayers for the people of French Polynesia.

Prayer for Peace

Iola Fisher McNutt

Gracious God, creator of all,

Grant us the knowledge to realize peace is not dropped into our hearts from the wings of a dove; cannot be bought or willed; cannot be legislated, mandated or negotiated —

Peace does not come with a degree; it is not awarded to the most accomplished or the most beautiful, the swiftest, or the most brilliant —

Peace does not necessarily follow in the wake of a storm, nor when guns and bombs are silenced—for peace will abide in us only when we are at one with our creator.

When we have achieved that peace, let us not be deceived, for it is not ours forever—it must be won anew upon the dawning of each day.

Guide us in this task, we humbly pray. Amen.

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