Today in our prayers, we remember the people of Papua New Guinea.
Prayer for Peace
Pam Robison
Creating Presence,
We are weary.
Weary of hatred and division. Weary of destruction. Weary of violence that tears at the heart and soul.
We are sick and in pain.
We ache at the destruction of this world you gave us and called us to be stewards over.
Our tears flow when we see families lost in the rubble of their homes...when they feel they have no choice but to try to flee to a safer place, even though the journey is dangerous.
And yet despite all this, we often harden our hearts, unable to see our kinship. We turn our backs--and so nothing changes.
Give us new hearts, divine One--hearts of flesh to replace our hearts of stone.
Give us a new spirit--a spirit of compassion and willingness to change.
Only then will we--and the whole world--be healed and find the peace we are so desperately searching for. Only then can we live.
This we pray. Amen.
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