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2 March 2025

Today in our prayers for the people of Italy.

Prayer for Peace

Heather Lawson

Hear my prayer, O God, as my heart cries out for your tender mercies.

You are the rock on which I stand.
The rock that is higher than the crashing waves and storming oceans.

God, you alone are my strength and my refuge.
It is in you that I find solace and safety,
Under wings that shield me from the battering winds.

O Lord my God, through you my soul is satisfied.
For as I hunger, you continue to feed,
And as I thirst, you fill me up.
It is you my soul seeks in the darkness of night,
And your light that upholds me and guides me.
Even in this dry and weary land, your love,
The life-giving water restores me.
In the heat and exhaustion of my flesh,

Your love breathes a new and eternal life into my soul.
It is you O Lord, the creator of all, in whom I will praise.
My keeper and provider,
My foundation from which none shall move me.

Live on Wednesdays

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