Today in our prayers for the people of Albania.
Prayer for Peace
Lyle Anderson II
Mighty, peaceful one, here in this sacred space, we have gathered. We are awed by the beauty of all that you form out of the primordial, chaotic waters and call good. We rejoice in the laughter of children as they play in a fountain, the coolness of a refreshing rain upon our skin, and the wonder of a bird floating majestically upon the gentle waves of a pond. The roaring waves of your mighty oceans, and the calm, frozen surface of a mountain lake bear testament to your magnificent love.
Your creation is so amazing, so wonderful, so good, and yet, as we encounter and experience your creation, we cannot help but feel, see, and taste the salty tears of grief that flow from your eyes, and ours, due to the shameful and unnecessary suffering of the human family.
Those tears that fall for the poor, displaced, mistreated, and diseased of the world whose suffering is not your will. We hear you calling us. Be we near or far from this place, whether we live on continents or the isles of the sea, we hear you calling us to open our ears, to open our eyes.
We hear you calling to us in the pleading of mothers and fathers around the globe who seek a future of hope for their children. We hear you calling to us through the shudders of your lovingly created Earth as we continue to wreak havoc and cause pain.
Almighty, weeping one, we pray in this time and in this place that we might engage your call and that we listen to that voice as it speaks anew. We pray that we might respond that we may take that life-giving water that you give so freely and share it with all. We pray also that we allow ourselves to be healed by your tears. We pray we dare to embrace your call and vision so that truly rivers of life-giving water will flow through us as we encounter your call. May that living water soothe and resolve the brokenness and pain of all your creation. Amen.
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