Today in our prayers for the people of Romania.
Prayer for Peace
Father Timothy Schoen
Almighty and eternal God,
creator of the universe,
author of the order that governs all the ages,
through your son, Jesus Christ our Lord,
you have revealed to us
that those who work for peace
will truly be called your children.
You have given all peoples one common origin,
and your will is to gather them
as one family in yourself.
Fill the hearts of all men and women
with the fire of your love
and the desire to ensure justice
for all their brothers and sisters.
Help us to work without ceasing for justice
that alone can bring true and lasting peace.
May those who already are at peace with one another
hold fast to the good will that unites them;
may those who are still enemies
forget their hatred and be healed.
Enable us all to receive with grateful hearts
that peace that the world cannot give
and that surpasses all human understanding.
We ask this in Jesus’s name. Amen.
Live on Wednesdays
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