Today in our prayers for the people of Saudi Arabia.
Prayer for Peace
William Rounds
Eternal God, your act of creation brought peaceful order out of chaos. We ask for your multiplying blessings upon our efforts as peacemakers.
We long for a peaceful world; a world of justice and mercy; a world of forgiveness and love. Remind us that such a world must begin in our hearts and minds; must spread through our families and then through an ever-widening circle of friends, neighbors, communities, and nations.
Forgive our unpeaceful acts of self-centeredness and greed. Challenge us to try again to be more peaceful in all our relationships.
Grant us in our hearts that peace that passes understanding and bless us in our desire to share that peace with our neighbors throughout this day.
This is our prayer in the name of the one who stilled the wind and waves with a word, even Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
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