Today in our prayers for the people of Thailand.
Prayer for Peace
Howard J. Booth
God, we pray for peace in distant lands as well as our own. For we know in our most solemn moments that our hopes and dreams are not unlike the hopes and dreams of people in lands afar. God of all nations, we pray for peace in every land.
We acknowledge the brokenness in our world. It raises its ugliness in the distance between nations and peoples, as we choose sides.
Grant us a growing determination to withstand impatience over unresolved conflict.
Push us until we ache for peace until we are willing to pursue it without reservation.
Grant us the ability and the will to love even enemies until such love shall beget love.
May Christ’s love be so rooted in our lives that prejudices and suspicions of humanity will be swallowed by acts of sisterhood and brotherhood. May we be numbered among the peacemakers, that we may be a blessing to the world. Amen.
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