Today in our prayers for the people of Andorra.
Prayer for Peace
Ragnhild Carlson
Dear God, we come to you in prayer at this time feeling grateful for the opportunity to meet with you in this peaceful setting. We thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us. So many times, we feel so comfortable in our situation, and we become so occupied with the daily activities of our own lives, that we tend to forget the needs of other people around us, and we ask your forgiveness for this.
There is much need for a special peace, in our community and in the world in general, a peace that can come from living in communion with you. We realize we cannot solve all the problems but help us be more sensitive to the needs around us and what we can do to help. Hopefully the peace will spread to places beyond our community. We also realize we are limited in what we can do to help create peace in faraway places, but that people may be more sensitive to the leadings of your spirit, and especially the leaders of the various countries, that peace can become a reality among people and nations, that wars will cease, striving for power will be replaced by love and understanding for one’s neighbor.
May we strive for peace in our lives, in our families, and in our communities. As it starts out like a small trickle, may this peace increase to a wide river that spreads far beyond us as you bless our efforts.
May we use every opportunity to build a feeling of self-worth in those who feel low and assure them of your love for them as you have for each one of us.
Help us in this endeavor, dear God. We pray in Jesus’s name. Amen.