Today in our prayers for the people of Israel.
Prayer for Peace
Sharon J. Nesbitt
God, of the universe
Creator, of all creatures
Parent, of your children
Source, of peace,
We seek and search for peace in the turmoil and chaos of a broken world;
We look at your creatures and see violence and death; yet,
Each is responding to fulfill the measure of its creation.
Worlds without number we cannot comprehend;
We marvel at the precise order of the universe—
The sun, the galaxies, and heavens.
As your children, we are to heal and strengthen one another; yet,
Too often, we wound and destroy.
We, amid the pain,
Sit and absorb the beauty of a small pond,
The surrounding flowers drifting in the soft breeze,
Trees swaying, leaves rustling, birds singing, turtles swimming—
And once again, there is peace.
There is harmony, love, unity of sun, sky, and earth;
There is gentle, soft assurance flowing within our hearts
Speaking peace, calm, serenity, wholeness.
Whole, once again, renewed and strengthened on the journey of peace by
the source,
the power,
the healer,
the creator,
the loving parent.
Live on Wednesdays
View the Prayer for Peace live every Wednesday on YouTube or Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central USA Time.