Today in our prayers for the people of Switzerland.
Prayer for Peace
G. Jerry van Rossum
God, we gather here today to be with one another and with you. We come to you out of backgrounds that range from dependence upon you to independence from you. We come deeply committed to principles of living in a world where freedom is cherished and we strive to fulfill needs, hopes, and dreams for our children, ourselves, our neighbors, and our nations.
Even though our history oscillates consistently between the poles of peace and war, between community and isolationism, between selflessness and selfishness, between hope and cynicism, we come to you. You who shared our triumphs and wept through our lost opportunities, you simply welcome us back with your love and compassion. Yet somehow as we attempt to live out our visions of equality, opportunity, security, or in other words our dream of peace, they slip through our grasp because of our selfish need for power, control, and self-centeredness.
God, we understand our shortcomings and yet feel secure enough in our relationship with you to pray for guidance and inspiration to overcome our inability to transcend self. To strive for the slippery vision of peace, we pray for courage to name and redress injustice.
We ask for wisdom to understand the difference between vindictiveness and justice. Help us to use the tools of commitment, hope, and love to stretch out our arms for peace even when peace seems beyond our grasp and only a painful dream. God, we ask much of you. And in this moment of tranquil relationship, we dare ask that your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
God, help us keep the vision alive. Grant us the will to try. Inspire us to see what can be and recognize what was. It is in the name of Christ Jesus we come, and in the name of Christ Jesus we pray, and in the name of Christ Jesus we leave our prayer in your memory. Amen.
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