Today in our prayers for the people of San Marino.
Prayer for Peace
Everett Graffeo
Lord, we are filled with wonder
and bursting with joy at your invitation.
We feel awe in your presence
and sense that this moment
has some eternal significance.
Our pilgrimage wends its way to this holy place.
We hear your words,
“Welcome home!”
Seasons and faces pass in review.
People act as if the world and history
have slipped out of Your hands.
They act violently with hysterical reactions.
They risk everything
to hold on to their brittle world.
They know no peace
They have no home.
But with uplifted voice, we cry out
Hope! Peace! Life! Love!
We live in a grace-filled community
where the winds of love and peace blow
as a gentle whisper in our hearts.
We see many that are responding.
The evidence is before our eyes.
We rejoice in your triumph.
Many stand in the breach,
Brave souls who live in the tension
of hope and unfulfilled longing.
We see eternity unfolding around us;
The enemies of light have failed,
Hope blossoms amid the earth.
Justice is the breaking light on the eastern horizon.
The reign of peace is the promise of the new day.
You do dry the tears in the eyes of the oppressed.
Death does disappear in your presence.
People are restored to new life.
Endings do become beginnings.
People do smile again.
Your peace does reign.
Hope is justified.
Love does have the final word.
Teach us the words
that will give voice to the hope that is in us.
From the thousand openings of our wounded bodies,
Release the notes of your triumphant song.
Attune our ears to hear
the alleluia chorus of future generations.
Make our world
the world of your kingdom of peace!
Live on Wednesdays
View the Prayer for Peace live every Wednesday on YouTube or Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central USA Time.