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13 July 2024

Today in our prayers for the people of Eritrea.

Prayer for Peace

David Nii

Divine presence known by a variety of names and images,

We raise our prayerful desire for justice, peace, and goodwill in our world. Too many people are suffering and in pain. Too much of creation is being stretched to its limit of good health. Too few people are responding to your call to journey into a future of hope, joy, compassion, and well-being for all.

Despite an abundance of examples demonstrating your invitation into peace, harmony, and well-being for our world, humanity often chooses instead to celebrate acts of selfishness, deceit, oppression, rivalry, and hostility. Hear our prayer.

Through faith, we also know you are ever present, steadfastly inviting us to turn toward your purposes and values. You hurt with our suffering and pain. You ache with the groans of creation. You weep for the cruelty evident in our neighborhoods and societies. And yet you listen to our cries and continue to move and empower all who respond to your call for forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing. You bring peace through peace. We raise our voice of desire to journey into your divine future of compassion. Hear our prayer.

May we also yearn to hear and listen to you. May we trust in your voice of calm in the chaos of our times. May we multiply examples of harmony and goodwill in contrast to destructive forces that may surround us. Help us, divine presence, be advocates for justice that benefits all your people and creation. Help us, celebrate acts of hope and joy however we encounter them. Help us be living incarnation of your peace on and for the earth. Hear our prayer.


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