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10 March 2025

Today in our prayers for the people of Austria.

Prayer for Peace

Anneke Compier

God, our source of peace, at this moment we come to you like many people around the world, to pray for peace. We pray for an inner peace that only you can give: an inner peace that will help us see others through your eyes. Only then will we not hate the other anymore.

Only then will we treat the other not as an “it” or as just another thing, but as a “thou”: a person in whom we will truly see you. We pray that we may be called your sons and daughters and that we may make a difference in our daily lives which we share with others.

Help us to find the opportunities to speak out for peace and to work for peace. We also pray for peace for the countries that are at war right now.

Dear God, I hope that we can learn from Erasmus, who in the sixteenth century said: “If the name of the country has such a nature to create bonds between those who have a common country, why do not people resolve than that the earth should become the country of all.”

This is my prayer in Jesus’s name. Amen.

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