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1 March 2025

Today in our prayers for the people of Ecuador.

Prayer for Peace

W. Blair McClain

Our creator and God of the universe, there are fifteen simple words in the ninth beatitude in our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount. By the way they are arranged in this statement, they become profound. They tell us, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.”

Will you touch the hearts and minds of all your creation, and thereby quicken the understanding of and their desire to “seek peace and pursue it”?

Lord, we strive for peace with justice, peace with faith and hope, peace in communities, families, nations, and individuals. Give us strength and energize our efforts to become peacemakers.

In the name of our Lord, we pray. Amen.

Live on Wednesdays

View the Prayer for Peace live every Wednesday on YouTube or Facebook at 1:00 p.m. Central USA Time.


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