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Solidarity Sunday: Join in Prayer on 21 July

9 July 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of the US Congress on 24 July 2024. In response, Churches for Middle East Peace invites Community of Christ to join them for Solidarity Sunday on 21 July 2024, to pray for peace in Gaza and the broader Middle East. Community of Christ is a member of Churches for Middle East Peace.

On Solidarity Sunday, the church is encouraged to pray for peace in the region, for the families and friends of the victims, and to call on leaders to implement a permanent ceasefire.

Our position on Palestine and Israel was defined in 2016 with the passage of World Conference Resolution 1311 Palestine and Israel.

Resolved, That Community of Christ specifically declares its belief in the love of God for Muslims and Jews, and we denounce all Islamophobia and anti-Semitism; and be it further

Resolved, That Community of Christ join with other Christian, Jewish, Muslim, ecumenical, and secular peace movements in the call for peace in Israel and Palestine. We, with other Christians, call for the right of the State of Israel to exist in secure borders; for the cessation of Israeli military occupation and illegal settlements in the West Bank; and for the recognition of the State of Palestine (in accordance with 1947 UN General Assembly Resolution 181/II, 1967 UN Security Council Resolution 242, and 1988 UN General Assembly Resolution 43/177).

Churches for Middle East Peace will share more information and resources on their website soon.



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