Exploration Sessions to Focus on Legislative Slate
Online Exploration Sessions, held in preparation for the 2025 World Conference, will address two resolutions per week beginning in February.
Each week, one resolution will be addressed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Then on Wednesdays and Thursdays, another resolution will be explored. Register today for Online Exploration Sessions via Zoom.
Exploration Session Times (Central USA)
Mondays, 3:00–4:45 p.m.
Tuesdays, 7:00–8:45 p.m.
Wednesdays, 7:00–8:45 p.m.
Thursdays, Noon–1:45 p.m.
Session Dates
Week One
Monday and Tuesday, 10-11 February: A-3 No Preambles
Wednesday and Thursday, 12-13 February: G-1 Increasing Access to Creative Works Copyrighted by Community of Christ
Week Two
Monday and Tuesday, 17-18 February: G-2 Affirming an Inclusive Zion in the Holy Land
Wednesday and Thursday, 19-20 February: G-3 Resolution Concerning the Sacred Stewardship of the Temple and the Auditorium in Independence, Missouri, and the Principle of Common Consent
Week Three
Monday and Tuesday, 24-25 February: G-4 Establishment of a Bylaw Committee to Review and Revise Community of Christ Bylaws with a Focus on Governance
Wednesday and Thursday, 26-27 February: G-5 Climate Emergency—Fossil-Fuel Reduction
Week Four
Monday and Tuesday, 3-4 March: G-6 Threat of Confiscation of Monies in the AIP Accounts
Wednesday and Thursday, 5-6 March: G-7 Unilateral Authority Not Given by Church Membership
Week Five
Monday and Tuesday, 10-11 March: G-8 Bicentennial Doctrine and Covenants
Wednesday and Thursday, 12-13 March: G-9 Divine Insights Calling Us!
Week Six
Monday and Tuesday, 17-18 March: G-10 Earth Stewardship Affirmation
Wednesday and Thursday, 19-20 March: G-11 Climate Change Emergency Call to Action
Week Seven
Monday and Tuesday, 24-25 March: G-12 Promoting Peace by Reducing Gun Proliferation and Violence
Wednesday and Thursday, 26-27 March: Draft Statement on Nonviolence