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Health and Wholeness Team

This World Church Team focuses on issues of health, wholeness, and well-being.

The Health and Wholeness Team was established as a team by World Conference 2013 to focus on issues of health, wholeness, and well-being for our membership and others.  As created beings of God, we are called to walk with God, in making responsible choices about our body, mind, spirit, and relationships. 

Mission Alignment 

The Health and Wholeness Team is focused on Sacredness of Creation, Worth of All Persons, and Responsible Choices. The emphasis on health and wholeness intertwines the physical, mental, and spiritual into the holistic lifestyle modeled by Jesus Christ. Spirit and element have been a mantra of the Restoration from its inception. 

Team Priorities 2019-2023 

  • Promote wholeness and well-being to our church at-large to encourage members to make responsible, healthy choices as their circumstances permit and that nurture wholeness of body, mind, spirit, and relationships. This includes priority attention to children and youth. 
  • Provide periodic updates on the church website: Health and Wholeness Team page and on the Health Ministries Association page, including resources that promote health and wholeness and align with Community of Christ identity, mission, message, and beliefs. 
  • Collaborate with the Communications Team (and others) on how information from the Health and Wholeness Team can be shared in the Herald and other resources. 
  • Explore the use of videos, podcasts, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media (as well as creative ideas/ activities for congregations and focus groups) to provide educational information for people interested in healthy lifestyles. Also, integrate healthy lifestyles with spiritual practices that promote wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. 
  • Identify essential outcomes from the 2015 Needs Assessment and develop strategies to provide information and training to members and congregations. 
  • Continue work on the resource, “Health and Wholeness History of the Church.” 
  • Create resources to support health and wholeness in members related to congregational health ministries and possible worship, Sunday school, and reunion materials. 

Team Members 

Anne Bonnefin, team leader 
Jean Brookens 
Roger Cook 
Terry Flowers 
Ron Gilillian 
Meghan Gray 
Geri Norman 
David Redding 
Kathy Robinson 
Becky Savage 
Kathleen Shockley 

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