By Patricia Cole of Kansas City, Missouri USA
Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.
Community can get messy and troublesome, but it is essential for our happiness. Many voices and opinions clamor for our money, time and interest. Conflict can wound and hurt. The community can become divided. Our actions and responses can affect all communities, including our congregations.
Communities come in many forms: family, neighbors, workplace, church, clubs, sports teams, and more. Our church community sometimes can be the most difficult to navigate. Generally, we are volunteers and lay ministers. We are guided by our faith in the Divine and the testimony of God’s love in our lives.
Love is always the answer. We all know this, although our traditions, personalities, and egos can come into play. Many voices and opinions opt for the best way to move forward, to be whom Christ has called us to be. Testimony of outspoken and passionate participants can cause concern for quiet, reserved participants.
When conflict arises, the Body of Christ can be wounded.
Relationships are the foundation of community life. Respect for each other is of the utmost importance. Relationships are formed by honest communication, with compassionate listening to one another remembering always to preface with love. Mistakes are made, hurtful words are spoken at times, but forgiveness and reconciliation are available to all. God forgives us, and we can forgive, too.
Pastoral care sometimes is saved only for the pastor. We all must learn to be pastoral. Not only for those who look and think as we do, but for those who are different. Much is to be learned from each other. God is in all of creation and all of us.
Make amends, reconcile with one another. Listen and learn from one another. Be patient with those different from you.
Reconciliation is found through kindness, compassion, and love. Take the opportunity to visit, text, call, or email those whose family members are departed. Pray for one another and discern a way forward. God gives us the courage needed. Community will be blessed.
Prayer Phrase
“…he has given us a new birth into a living hope” (1 Peter 1:3).
Spiritual Practice
Weaving a Life
Hold, or imagine yourself holding, a piece of patterned cloth. Examine it carefully. Notice overlapping threads mingling colors that form the design. Write a journal entry or meditate about the threads and patterns of your life. What design do you see? How does the life pattern you are weaving create justice and wholeness in God’s world? What new pattern is God calling you to weave in 2025?
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.