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Who I Am

8 July 2024

You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, so that my soul may praise you and not be silent.

Psalm 30: 11–12a

Lyrics by Dave Heinze and Ron Harmon

“Who I Am”

Make some space for dreaming,
God’s future unfolding,
In unexpected places,
In old and new faces,
See with new eyes what could be.

Where will you lead me today?
And in everything that comes my way
May I be courageous and bold
Willing to risk, move out of the old
Live into who I am

Lean into the adventure,
Risk new mission together
Giving not into fear,
Holding trust ever near,
Creating what will be with God.

Where will you lead me today?
And in everything that comes my way
May I be courageous and bold
Willing to risk, move out of the old
Live into who I am

Settle into unsettledness,
Holy disruption and mindfulness
Falling down and then,
Getting up again,
Learning what to bring
what to leave.

Where will you lead me today?
And in everything that comes my way
May I be courageous and bold
Willing to risk, move out of the old
Live into who I am

Timeless truths we know in our heart
Bring clarity and give wisdom a part
What do we find but new insights arise
Life changes direction, therein the truth lies

Where will you lead me today?
And in everything that comes my way
May I be courageous and bold?
Willing to risk, move out of the old
Live into who I am
© 2014 Community of Christ

Prayer Phrase

“For by grace you have been saved” (Ephesians 2:8).

Spiritual Practice

The Jesus Prayer of Mercy

The Jesus Prayer is an ancient spiritual practice from Orthodox Christianity. It is a way of connecting with the gracious Spirit of Christ as we ask to receive his mercy. The prayer comes from the scripture of the blind man calling Jesus to heal him. Silently enter prayer and let your breath become slow and even. Greet God and then take up the prayer phrase: Lord, Jesus Christ (as you breathe in) … have mercy on me (as you breathe out). Prayerfully repeat these words for several minutes (or forty times). Breathe the presence of Christ into your mind, heart, and body. Be transformed as you receive the compassionate, peaceful heart of Jesus.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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