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Unbreakable Bonds

20 July 2024

Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts.

Psalm 85:8

[Excerpted from Sharing in Community of Christ: Exploring Identity, Mission, Message and Beliefs, 4th Ed., Herald Publishing House, 2018, p. 69–70]

We are one in community. We yearn to be together and feel connected by an unbreakable bond, to find a true home in the church.

Just as the first-century church was often pushed into an ever-expanding circle of cultures and identities, we are often called into struggle, constantly challenged to move into new understandings of the Creator’s steadfast and unreserved love.

We feel pain when members of the body of Christ are persecuted, restricted, or oppressed in expression of their witness. We are moved with compassion for those in places where laws restrict baptism. We weep with brothers and sisters whose churches and homes and lives are threatened because of their beliefs.

We struggle with issues of diversity. When does our diversity threaten our unity? How do we address issues that are critical in some areas but taboo in others? What issues can be decided locally without harming our worldwide fellowship?

We do not have all the answers. Our shared community compels us to seek answers by listening until we understand. We choose to move forward guided by love and compassion instead of dogma.

Prayer Phrase

“For by grace you have been saved” (Ephesians 2:8).

Spiritual Practice

The Jesus Prayer of Mercy

The Jesus Prayer is an ancient spiritual practice from Orthodox Christianity. It is a way of connecting with the gracious Spirit of Christ as we ask to receive his mercy. The prayer comes from the scripture of the blind man calling Jesus to heal him. Silently enter prayer and let your breath become slow and even. Greet God and then take up the prayer phrase: Lord, Jesus Christ (as you breathe in) … have mercy on me (as you breathe out). Prayerfully repeat these words for several minutes (or forty times). Breathe the presence of Christ into your mind, heart, and body. Be transformed as you receive the compassionate, peaceful heart of Jesus.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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