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Touchpoints of Grace

7 September 2024

By Kerry Richards of Stony Creek, Ontario, Canada

I keep the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

Psalm 16:8

The essence of now is always present in our lives. “I have this moment and a choice of what I might do” is always an option before us. At times we revel in the productivity of the moment when we accomplish, excel, and achieve. Other times we feel like we wasted the moment. It got away from us. Then there are periods of intentional pause that feed our souls. What in those precious spaces of living are the markers of having lived?

We often feel remorse at the unproductive, less purposeful moments—as if windows of opportunity have closed before us. Then there are those who observe our lives and have their own parameters by which they judge us. Our inner standards, or those of others, are constants that chase us throughout our days. They impact our sense of worth and distract us from being present with the Holy as our minds are occupied by how we “shoulda,” “coulda,” or “woulda.” How do we escape this treadmill of evaluation of others’ perceptions, along with our own inner judgement?

Grace. It is grace that allows us to be at peace with ourselves despite multiple oversights that weigh on us. There are accountabilities in work or other areas of responsibility to which we must attend. However, we need some freedom in our lives to choose our use of time. Those times are touchpoints of grace, empowering and enabling us to sense our worth and offering a glimpse of what we can be as the Holy affirms and transforms us.

I have sensed the Spirit’s transformation when in vulnerability I open myself to living out the Mission Prayer. I listen, become present, reach within, and envision who I can be and what I can do as an instrument of the Spirit’s touch in another’s life. Grace leads us to see our worth.

We are a people in pursuit of peace. Our time is sacred, sacramental, transformational. Choose to be blessed in pursuits empowered and endowed with the grace of the Spirit.

Prayer Phrase

“Love your neighbor as yourself” (Romans 13:9).

Spiritual Practice

Healing for Broken Spirits

Begin with quiet prayer. Ask God to help you detect some “sore places” in the body of Christ and God’s creation. Become aware of people who feel separated, wounded, or left out. Reflect on or write a short journal entry of healing words to at least one person who comes to mind. Ask God for words that will touch this person’s broken spirit like healing ointment. Keep this person in your heart and prayers today and act on any ideas that come to bring blessing and wholeness.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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