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Simple Acts

27 June 2024

By Claudia Schooler of Carlisle, Iowa, USA

How precious is your steadfast love, O God! All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

Psalm 36:7

Andy hadn’t been in class for a few days. The incriminating letters OSS (out-of-school suspension) appeared after his name on the computer attendance form. I stopped in the office to ask if I should gather some make-up work for my ninth-grade student. “No need,” the principal said. “He’s being expelled for having drugs at school.” End of conversation.

But it wasn’t the end for me. The days and weeks slid by. I continued to think about Andy (not his real name). A tall, gangly teen, he did acceptable C+ level work, but seemed to strain for social acceptance. I had taught his older brother and was acquainted with his parents who came to conferences regularly. With conferences now approaching, I was sad that I wouldn’t be meeting with them this semester.

I sent a quick email to Andy’s mom. “Just a note to say I’ve been thinking of Andy. I miss him in class. It must be hard for your family right now. No matter what, our kids are our kids. With your support he’ll make it through.” Her response was quick and heartfelt. “Thank you so much! No one else from the school has reached out at all. Yes, it is hard, and we felt so abandoned.”

The reply from Andy’s mother both warmed and stung my heart. I was thankful that my words brought comfort and hope to a worried parent. But how many other emails had I neglected to send when a kind word would have lightened someone’s load?

A bad decision or a faltering conscience does not erase a person’s worth. Open doors and open hearts allow for healing, repentance, and restoration of relationships. I pray for open eyes and ears to see and hear when kindness and encouragement can bless a hurting life.

Prayer Phrase

“We, who are many, are one body in Christ” (Romans 12:5).

Spiritual Practice

Spiritual Learning

Meditate on a time when you learned about community from someone who took you in, fed you, taught you, shared stories and wisdom with you. What did you learn? Prayerfully create a list of qualities you need to learn from spiritual mentors and friends. Then write the names of people who serve as teachers, models, coaches, or encouragers in your life as a disciple. Offer a prayer of gratitude and blessing for these spiritual “relatives” and friends.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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