He said, “I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you that it is I who sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”
[Adapted from Chantal Müller-Mukamurera, 2020, in Fair Trade—Project Zion podcast]
Chantal yearned for a community that would strengthen her faith, one that would help her practice beyond the occasional prayer in times of need. One evening, she reflected on a verse from the Bible: “Whoever seeks shall find.” Inspired, she knelt in prayer, asking God to lead her to the church that pleased God the most. She promised to remain open to whatever answer was provided. In that moment, she felt a strong presence, a connection that affirmed she was about to embark on an important journey.
One Friday, after work in Bremen, she boarded a train home. The train was unusually crowded, with travelers returning home for the weekend. As she searched for a seat, she noticed a nearly empty section but hesitated, assuming it was reserved. However, the crowd behind her pushed forward, leading her to take a seat in that very area. Moments later, a young man entered, wearing a name tag.
She recognized him immediately as a missionary. Memories flooded back—of the time when similar missionaries had knocked on her door a year ago, sharing messages from the Bible. She had been curious but hesitant, fearful of sectarian influence. Her stepfather had warned her to be cautious. Back then, she had arranged for a friend and his father, both well-versed in scripture, to join the discussion, hoping they could dissuade the missionaries on her behalf. The conversation had been pleasant, but in the end, she had firmly asked them not to return. They had respected her wishes and left peacefully.
Now, sitting across from another missionary, Chantal felt a sense of unfinished business. Remembering her recent prayer, she saw this encounter as more than coincidence. She initiated a conversation, asking where he was headed. He responded with warmth, and soon they were discussing faith. He asked if she would be interested in meeting again, and this time she agreed without hesitation, giving him her contact information.
That evening, the missionaries called, and Chantal listened with an open heart. She was particularly struck by the story of Joseph Smith—his own search for truth mirrored hers. She felt that this was God’s answer to her prayer. Miracles, she realized, still happened, and she was ready to embrace the path laid before her.
Prayer Phrase
“Love does no wrong to a neighbor…” (Romans 13:10).
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Today’s Prayer for Peace
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