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No One Left Behind

28 June 2024

“Community of Christ,” your name, given as a divine blessing, is your identity and calling. If you will discern and embrace its full meaning, you will not only discover your future, you will become a blessing to the whole creation.

Doctrine and Covenants 163:1

“We Are a Family of Faith” by R. Jay Goos, Community of Christ Sings 350

We are a family of faith;
we have a Savior who’s kind.
We lift each other up.
We leave no one behind,
and if the least of us should tumble,
we all feel the pain:
Community of Christ is our name.

We are a family of faith;
we have a mission that’s clear:
to praise our Savior’s name.
We build Zion here.
And we seek peace between the nations,
Love between us all;
Community of Christ is our call.

We are a family of faith;
and we look forward to the day
we see our Savior’s face,
he wipes our tears away,
and all the saints of every nation
rise to die no more:
Community of Christ evermore!

We are a family of faith;
we have a Savior who’s kind.
We lift each other up.
We leave no one behind,
and if the least of us should stumble,
we all feel the pain:
Community of Christ is our name.

Prayer Phrase

“We, who are many, are one body in Christ” (Romans 12:5).

Spiritual Practice

Spiritual Learning

Meditate on a time when you learned about community from someone who took you in, fed you, taught you, shared stories and wisdom with you. What did you learn? Prayerfully create a list of qualities you need to learn from spiritual mentors and friends. Then write the names of people who serve as teachers, models, coaches, or encouragers in your life as a disciple. Offer a prayer of gratitude and blessing for these spiritual “relatives” and friends.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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