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Missed Opportunities

11 September 2024

By Laura Herdman, archived

You hold precious lives in your hands. Be gentle and gracious with one another. A community is no stronger than the weakest within it. Even as the One you follow reached out to those who were rejected and marginalized, so must the community that bears his name.

Doctrine and Covenants 162:6c

O Holy God of all that exists, as vessels of clay we feel your hands still working with us, shaping us into the image of Christ. You do this by molding our thoughts to his thoughts, aligning our feet to his path, motivating our hands to his deeds, loosening our tongues to his words. As this love for his Way deepens within us, we feel a great peace—for nothing offends us. Herein we are empowered as peacemakers.

Attune our ears to hear the cries of the wounded in our relationships; give us wisdom to repair broken bridges. But most of all, awaken us from our drugged sleep, induced by the daily rush of activities which provoke us to cry out, “Yes, Lord, I will help—but tomorrow!” And so the cries of the neglected ascend to you in the dark night. Forgive us of our apathy, our sins of omissions. Forgive us for our missed opportunities to be peacemakers. Fan the flame in our hearts to be vessels of service for you. Make us supple in your hands through the spirit of repentance.

Mold us anew in our Lord Jesus’ beautiful, holy image. We commit our will to do your work. Amen.

Prayer Phrase

“Love your neighbor as yourself” (Romans 13:9).

Spiritual Practice

Healing for Broken Spirits

Begin with quiet prayer. Ask God to help you detect some “sore places” in the body of Christ and God’s creation. Become aware of people who feel separated, wounded, or left out. Reflect on or write a short journal entry of healing words to at least one person who comes to mind. Ask God for words that will touch this person’s broken spirit like healing ointment. Keep this person in your heart and prayers today and act on any ideas that come to bring blessing and wholeness.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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