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24 June 2024

By Sharon Kahtava of Blue Springs, Missouri, USA

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.

Philippians 4:4–7

All winter long I feed many different birds. I watch as many, many of them come to the feeder to get their food. Some birds chase away other birds and try to keep them from feeding fearing there won’t be enough for all of them. I also watch them go to the bird bath to drink water and again chase other birds away fearing they won’t have enough to drink. However, now that spring has come it is easier for the birds to find food and water elsewhere. Their feeder is taken away and a new feeder is put in its place.

The new feeder is for the return of the hummingbirds. My eyes watch each day for their return. I don’t know the day or hour they will come, but I am assured they will come. When I see the first hummingbird, I get so excited. They fill my heart with joy as I watch them fluttering while they are drinking the nectar. Hummingbirds are very territorial; the same hummingbirds come back each year. They fly thousands of miles to return “home.”

Now I ask myself, “Am I anticipating with as much joy Christ’s return? Am I ready? Have I prepared enough? Am I getting impatient? How long will I have to wait?” I don’t know the day or hour of His coming, but I am assured he will come. I keep my eyes open and watch. What joy and excitement I will feel upon His return.

Prayer Phrase

“We, who are many, are one body in Christ” (Romans 12:5).

Spiritual Practice

Spiritual Learning

Meditate on a time when you learned about community from someone who took you in, fed you, taught you, shared stories and wisdom with you. What did you learn? Prayerfully create a list of qualities you need to learn from spiritual mentors and friends. Then write the names of people who serve as teachers, models, coaches, or encouragers in your life as a disciple. Offer a prayer of gratitude and blessing for these spiritual “relatives” and friends.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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