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God of Refuge

8 March 2025

By Michael Wright of Rome, Italy

Open your hearts and feel the yearnings of your brothers and sisters who are lonely, despised, fearful, neglected, unloved. Reach out in understanding, clasp their hand, and invite all to share in the blessings of community created in the name of the One who suffered on behalf of all.

Doctrine and Covenants 161:3a

God of refuge, José is awakened, startled at the violence in his pueblo. The screams of neighbors, the invisible annunciation of exile, no place to raise a child, no hope or change in sight; destruction and corruption threaten his family. Yusef is awakened, startled by the sound of bombs and artillery. The sound of crumbling buildings around his newborn baby boy. Esau announced the only alternative, “Leave!” War and death threaten his family.

Father God, who are we to say that an angel did not appear to warn these holy families? Are we people of such little faith? Maria walks in faith, the long treacherous road lined with wolves and thieves. Her vision is of a promised land, a place of refuge and stability. Her dreams at night, a warm home and a peaceful future for her little one. Miriam covers the child, waves Yusef on, and they flee into the night. Kilometers on foot. Hitchhiking occasionally, she suckles her child in the back of a truck, headed for other lands. Her vision is to live in peace. Her dreams are about her child living his potential.

Mother God, who are we to say that dreams and visions didn’t occur? Is not anything possible with our God? José and Maria arrive at the border between violence and stability. José taken by gangs for ransom. Maria is told she cannot enter. She leaves Jesús who can now walk to walk the last steps with a transparent envelope of documents around his neck. She kisses him goodbye and points him towards the border guard. “May God protect you,” she whispers. “Know that I love you.” Maria remains alone and vulnerable in Matamoros.

Yusef and Miriam arrive at the sea between violence and stability. Yusef decides to brave nature. “I will call for you once I have arrived in a place of stability and peace.” Miriam and Esau rely on the mercy of locals, eventually finding refuge in a camp with deplorable conditions on the Isle of Lesbos. God of innocence. Why do we keep them locked out of the kingdom? Who are we to say that violence didn’t exist, and they are better in their hunger, loneliness, misery, and vulnerability? Jesús cries himself to sleep, soiled and hungry, swaddled in a mylar blanket on a cold detention center floor. A choir of hopelessness comes from the children who take care of him. José and Maria are not to be found. Yusef is swallowed by the sea. His hope cut short. His last thoughts of Miriam and his sweet Isa, Father, take my place and guide them to safety and welcome into your arms. Miriam knows not the plight of her husband and waits and hopes. Her prayer for salvation. God who speaks today, why are we not there to tear down walls of separation and to build bridges of understanding?

Why have we not replaced our stop signs with green lights of welcome? Behold, this is the Holy Family. Joseph, José, Yusef, Mary, Maria, Miriam Jesus, Jesús, Esau, and all others who suffer. They may not look like us, sound like us. But they are us with the same desires and dreams of hope, joy, and peace. Our prayer is to understand how to live the words we received from you, Eternal Creator. Help us dry your tears through abolishing poverty, finding the displaced, loving the mistreated, and as we seek cures for the disease of this world, help us to understand how we can make unnecessary suffering no longer necessary. Help our ears to be open to the pleading of mothers and fathers in all nations who desperately seek a future of hope for their children. Help us to have the courage to not turn away from them, for in their welfare resides ours. We plead for their stories and journeys to change to ones of redemption, of restoration, of Shalom, in the name of the one who was displaced. Amen.

Prayer Phrase

“Love does no wrong to a neighbor…” (Romans 13:10).

Organizational Action

Partner with organizations like the American Immigration Council to provide legal aid and support for asylum seekers. If your organization has resources, offer services like language classes, job training, or legal assistance to refugees. Work with advocacy groups to push for fair and just immigration policies.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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